His Inspiration Will Live on Forever
Preston was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy at ten months old and taught himself how to maneuver a power wheelchair at eighteen months. Despite his physical limitations, he proved to be a talented athlete who thrived on competition. Even if he could not participate in an activity, he found a way to be involved whether he was the referee or a diehard fan. He engaged people of all ages with his vibrant personality, constant smile, and ability to recall a name. His fervor for life and perseverance with all his endeavors from chess club to pickup football inspired the creation of an environment to encourage inclusive recreation where individuals of all abilities can play side by side. Despite his untimely passing in 2008, just shy of his twelfth birthday, his spirit lives in all who are able to play and enjoy boundlessly at Preston's H.O.P.E..
In loving memory of Preston, please consider a donation to sustain Preston's H.O.P.E. Donate today